Discover: Bridges Hill Playground Victoria Street Cessnock

  • For all visitors, locals, families with young, and not so young children, people with disabilities
  • No charges apply – parking available

Bridges Hill Park and Convent Hill are significant open spaces with spectacular views across Cessnock to the Brokenback Ranges.

This new adventure playground provides a creative play space for people of all ages and abilities, encouraging connection with the natural environment.

It includes swings and climbing decks, an enclosed toddler play space, a nature play area with balance beams and timber logs, a children’s bike circuit and obstacle course, shade trees around the bike track, a basketball hoop, yarning circle and sensory bush tucker garden, fitness station, three large shade sails and BBQ and picnic areas. And more to come!

‘Welcome to Wonnarua’: The welcome sign to the Park explained

The Wonnarua people are traditional landowners in the Hunter Valley. According to the Wonnarua dreamtime the Hunter Valley was created by the great spirit, Baime (Byamee) who created every living thing and the mountains, plains, and rivers.

Convent Hill: This entire piece of land of Bridges Hill, was mined for coal by a one-man operation, in conjunction with the Catholic Church. At the apex of the hill, you will see the steps to Convent Hill School. Walking up the steps, you are standing on top of the place where the Greta Top Seam begins.–Convent-Hill

A water tower tops the hill.

Bridges Hill Playground – an adventure playground for the Region.


Robyn and Alan Valley View Cottage